Xero Training
Xero stores all your essential accounts information in the cloud. You can log in online anytime, on your PC, tablet or phone to get a real-time view of your cash flow. Xero helps you get paid faster with online invoices sent to your customers and keeps track of when they’re opened. Your bank accounts are automatically connected to Xero. You can then reconcile them with the click of a button. Girl Friday is a Xero Gold Partner and we’re able to offer Xero training on getting the most from Xero for you and your staff.
Xero Setup
As a Xero Platinum Champion Partner, Girl Friday can help with the set up of Xero. Ensuring the correct setup of Xero can save you valuable hours and provide you with a quick and efficient workflow from initial contact with a potential client, job management & timesheeting, through to invoicing with tremendous features such as automatic overdue reminders.
Xero Integration & Add-ons
Xero integrates with countless apps to enhance your working procedures. It has add-ons for inventory, payment, customer relationship management (CRM), time tracking, e-commerce, payroll and more. We can work with you to find out how you can best utilise some of these formidable plugins.